There is no end to an education in environmental issues and community resilience.
Here are some opportunities for learning with Transition Fidalgo:
The Pathfinder The Pathfinder has a sharp focus on current climate and energy news, highlighting the criticality of changing the direction we are heading to transition into a sustainable, viable future.
Fidalgo Grows Garden Blog
Fidalgo Climate History, by Jon Ranney
A summary of the past 120 years of climate data from Fidalgo Island. Fascinating! -
Climate Fact Sheet, a quick two-page fully source-identified summary of climate change issues in a detailed nutshell. Climate fact sheet
Learn more about the No On 2117 movement and join over 500 organizations across Washington in opposing this initiative.
Transition Fidalgo Public Issue Guidelines
The primary focus of Transition Fidalgo (TF) is on creating opportunities to help move our community toward a positive low-carbon future. We realize, however, that it may sometimes be necessary to take a stand on issues involving the use of fossil fuels. In such cases, the board of directors and interested members will research issues considered relevant and important to the mission and goals of TF. This research will examine available information and evaluate its validity and completeness.
Based on the examination, a determination will be made as to whether or not TF will 1) take an official position on the issue, and, if so, 2) publicly state the TF position.
As research can require a significant commitment of the board’s time, the number of issues TF will officially address will be limited. However, TF encourages its members to become engaged citizens and to raise issues of interest and/or concern for discussion and possible exploration. Although the board may choose not to take an official position, members are free to explore issues important to them while taking care not to state or imply endorsement by TF.
Our Position on Fossil Fuels
Transition Fidalgo recognizes the key role of fossil fuels in powering our transportation, providing heat and electricity in our homes and businesses, and in making most things we use possible. The energy derived from using fossil fuels has allowed many societies around the world to enjoy the highest standard of living in human history. However, these advances have come at a high cost. Environmental impacts associated with extracting, transporting, and using fossil fuels have escalated to the point where human health and the health of all species is in jeopardy. Our unrestricted use of fossil fuels has created a perilous outlook for future generations.
There are other impacts beyond environmental. Many countries around the world have seen their governments and their people’s livelihoods destabilized or destroyed in the pursuit of fossil fuel resources.
Clearly, the continued use of fossil fuels is not sustainable. Transition Fidalgo urges its members and the world at large to view the use of fossil fuels as a temporary bridge to developing the technologies and lifestyles that support a renewable energy future, a future that is in balance with the ability of the planet to regenerate. The sooner this transition can be accomplished, the sooner we can stop using fossil fuels and begin to reverse the damage that has been done to our planet.
In this effort, the role of Transition Fidalgo is not to actively campaign against the use of fossil fuels, but to educate as to the peril of their continued use and to vision and work toward a positive, low-carbon future.